Organizations for Human Rights, Peace, and Nonviolence

True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Blessed are the peacemakers.”
— Sermon on the Mount (Bible: Matthew)

This listing of organizations includes groups that focus on: human rights, nonviolence, nonviolent social action, violence prevention (including gun violence), peace and justice, peacebuilding, preventing or stopping war and genocide, restorative justice, conflict resolution, nuclear safety (weapons of mass destruction, disarmament), and peace and human rights in the Middle East/Israel/Palestine. This is not a comprehensive list of organizations; if you know of other groups that you would recommend to others, please mention them in the Comments.

My hope is that more of these organizations will work together and collaborate, to broaden their reach and amplify their impact, nationally and globally.

Human Rights Groups

Nonviolence Groups
(Nonviolent Action and Violence Prevention)

Gun violence prevention:

Peace Groupsflying dove

Nuclear Safety & Anti-Nuclear Groups

Israel/Palestine, Middle East Peace & Human Rights Groups


A couple of peacebuilders I recommend following online: Bernice King and Ami Dar.

I’ll add more people and organizations to this list over time. I also plan to provide a list of groups that address extremism and political violence, but that could be a separate post.

Lastly, click the following link for some quotations on peace and power.

True peace requires awareness, restraint, and effort. May we all become peacemakers and peacebuilders, starting in our own lives and expanding that skill out into our communities and world.


January 23, 2025

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